Thursday, June 10, 2010

Silly Fads

The new trend around town is something called Silly Bands. I had not a single clue what they were until last week. I case you don't know, they are thin, rubber bracelets that look like shapes of things. You wear them and when you take them off them snap back to their original shape (like a monkey, hammer, fish, that sort of thing).

Well, apparently my children were going to die horrifically bloody, painful deaths if they didn't have some of these silly things immediately. Of course as with most faddy things there were none to be found. But wait! Daddy swoops in very heroic like a few days later with three bags of the coveted bracelets.

I didn't understand all the excitement. They looked pretty stupid to me. And they were pastel colors. Um, Alex? Are you really gonna take your 12 year old boy self to 6th grade wearing those? I was informed that EVERYONE is wearing them so it didn't matter what color they were. So I guess if boys start wearing pink bras on the outside of their shirts, I can expect him to join in that fad as well.

I can't remember many fads from my youth. The only thing that come to mind is Girbaud jeans, especially overalls worn with one side undone. So fashionable! We also used to peg roll our jeans, which didn't cost anything, they just looked incredibly stupid.

But back to the bracelets. They happened to be knockoffs which is why they looked so stupid. I have to say, they pale in comparison to the real thing. But lucky us, we found the real version at a nearby Hallmark store. Yay! I guess. Yay as if I really love spending my hard earned money on silly bracelets. But spend it I did.

I took Emily and her friend there tonight. I'm not going to tell you how much I spent because you will think I'm insane. But my kids are happy, I'm a sucker and Miss Emily will be doing chores around here for a few days.



  1. Don't you remember slap bracelets?

  2. I think we missed the slap bracelets deal by a little bit. HOWEVER... I do remember the braided embroidery thread 'friendship' bracelets of our junior high era. You had to cut them off to take them off or else let them get filthy.
