My parents took all three kids to my aunt and uncles on Sunday. I had a slight heart attack at this because Gracie has never been away from me for this long. I think it hurt me more than it hurt her. Matt and I lounged around, had brunch at a disgusting restaurant where I will never go again(but at least there were no kids) and shopped around for stuff for the garden. It was lovely.
On Monday Matt took the kids out for five hours. FIVE HOURS. That's like a week in mom alone time. I got to watch TV without someone swiping the remote and changing the station to some inane show like Suite Life of Zac and Cody or Sportscenter. I ate ice cream and didn't have to share. And I also cleaned the house, which goes amazingly fast when three kids aren't underfoot. It was the best five hours I've had in recent history.
I wish this weekend was last weekend. So far, it pretty much blows. It's one of those weekends where every single second is booked up, and there is no time to do the things I love. Like laying on my couch doing nothing. It started with schlepping the kids by myself (so Matt could have a break because that's the knid of awesome wife I am) to Alex's baseball game Friday night at 8:15pm, which frankly is much to late for a game to start. After sitting there for an hour the game cancelled due to lightning and the down pour started on our way to the car. We all got soaked, including Gracie who did not appreciate the cover I put over her stroller to keep her dry and practically strangled herself trying to hang her head out of the stroller so she could see what was going on. Since the game was called we all went over to my friend Amy's where I did not get to visit with my friends. Why you ask? Well sillies, because approximately a year ago I gave birth to an insane, crazed baby and I spent all my time chasing her around Amy's house. At least Alex and Emily got to play with their friends.
Saturday began bright and early with an extra dance practice for Emily, baseball pictures for Alex and errands for me. Really errands for Emily and all the extra crap she needed for her dress rehearsal that evening. All of this would have gone a bit smoother if I hadn't gone to the wrong field for the pictures, which resulted in a zippy trip back across town to the correct location and a big fat headache for me.
Saturday night ended with the dress rehearsal, and while I did get to go out to dinner with the dance moms, again I had Gracie the spaz with me, so I was still in mom mode. She was very good at dinner and they all kept saying so, but I really wanted to throw back a cocktail, which probably would have been inappropriate. They were amazed at her eating skills. We used to call her the blueberry killer because she would down those suckers til her poop turned blue. Now we call her the food killer because she eats everything in sight. Last night was no exception. She consumed mashed cauliflower, cold peas from the salad bar (which tasted like grass), avocado, fruit and other assorted items from peoples plates, of which she was just helping herself to. And no, she isn't fat even after eating like a pig. Why? Because after dinner we went to pick up the girls and had to wait forever and Gracie probably logged a mile of walking/running all over the place with me chasing her. The question is, why am I still fat?
Today is house cleaning and the big recital. Emily is nervous and excited. She's been busting out her dance moves all over the place for weeks (sometimes I wonder if she has a mild form of tourettes). She will be amazing as always. And I am looking forward to next weekend.
The blueberry killer strikes again, strikes again!