Well, I guess it's not really an Ode....i'm not even sure what an Ode is. A poem? A song? Who knows. This is more of a one person standing ovation. Maybe a two person standing ovation if you count Matt, who applauds her just as much, if not more than I.
We have come a long way, my mom and I. We made it through the tough teenage years without killing each other, although i'm pretty sure I deserved a few smack downs, or at the very least a couple of toilet swirly. When I came home at the age of 18 with my fiance and told her I was knocked up, I think she about had a mini-stroke, but she held it together.
If you had asked me at the age of 14 or 15 if my mom was my friend, or if I ever envisioned her being so, I would have laughed hysterically and said HELLS NO! But, that's exactly what she's become. Not only is she my mother & friend but she is my baby-sitter, grandmother to my 3 kids and all around right-hand man. She still makes me food and brings it over. Still does my laundry if i'm ill, giving birth or struck with a gall bladder attack. She will drop whatever she is doing no matter day or night if I need her. She is a chauffeur to all of us, but mostly to Alex whom she takes to school everyday. If not for her (and my dad's) generosity,we would probably be living in a box behind her garage right about now. Next to me, she was one of Matt's biggest cheerleaders when he struck out to start his own business, which meant a lot to me, and the world to him.
Yeah, i'm pretty lucky. I probably don't show her as much appreaciation as I should. Who knows where I would be if not for her. I hope I can be as good of a mom to my kids as she is to me. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
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