The whole family has been annoyed (and annoying!) lately. Annoyed with each other, with themselves, with their surroundings and just life in general. The only one that tries not to be annoyed and have a "glass half full" attitude is Matt. Which annoys me.
Things that annoy Matt:
Seemingly nothing, but probably the fact that I am constantly annoyed and complaining about our unspacious living quarters. And the ridiculous amount of homework that Alex has.
Things that annoy Alex:
2)when his mother calls his baseball practices/games "softball"
4)when Matt is to tired to play outside with him
Things that annoy Emily:
Lately, everything. But mostly Alex.
Things that annoy me:
1)The fact that nothing really bothers Matt
2)our crazilly small house (I am grateful for it though)
3)my job
4)my messy,messy bedroom
5)the fact that Emily is so touchy about everything lately and if she runs to her room and slams the door one more time, I am taking it off the hinges.
6)when I accidentally call baseball "softball",and Alex yelling "it's called baseball"
7)my dogs with their loud barking and ear infections
8)the 3 year old crack in my windshield
9)Beaumont hospital and their stupid, moronic billing system
10)jerky family members that apologize for being jerky, making it impossible for me to be irritated with them and call them jerks
11)Alex and Emily fighting
12)homework,which I am convinced is really assignments for the parents, not the kids.
14)Emily's messy room
15)did I mention my tiny house?
I could go on, but my list is already longer than everyone else's and I would probably just end up looking like a huge, grumpy ass hole. I guess I should work on this. But where to begin? I need a nap first.