Saturday, August 14, 2010

Are you sitting down.....I'm finally posting something!!!

It's been awhile. I had every intention to post....lots of times. I would want to type something, but nothing would come out of my fingertips. It was weird. It wasn't for a lack of things to write about. As summers go, this one has been filled up. I guess my brain just got lost in the sea of pre-teen hormones, bagels-way too many bagels and mild bout of depression that swirled through my house. But the good news is that now I have lots of things to post about!

First things first, Sheryl's birthday post had me rolling on the floor laughing! I don't know how she remembers some of this stuff. But, turning 26 for the 8th time has kinda shot my brain to hell.

1)Watermelon Hubba-Bubba-my teeth hurt at the thought of that stuff. I don't even let my kids chew it very often because I can actually hear their teeth rotting away.

5)nasty words-I have no idea what she's talking about. I never said things like piss-worms or penis breath. never ever ever. And I didn't laugh hysterically instead of punish when Sheryl came to visit a three year old Alex and he called her a penis. That wasn't me.

7)dogs named Muffy-I loved that dang dog. Of all the dogs I've had she was my fave. Pudge was a close second, until he recently decided that every surface in our house needs to smell like his urine. Typical man.

8)curled pig-tails-I spent half of my childhood in curlers. It wasn't even normal.

9)worms-She's right, I'm denying.

11)playing monster- OMG I had totally forgotten about this game. Funnest ever! I tried to get my kids to play it with me, but they looked at me like I was nuts.

14)fake care bears- Playing with them wasn't so bad, but how about having to dress as a life sized one. Not great. I think we spent two Halloweens like that. ick.

18)leaving Girl Scout camp- I was barfing red Kool-Aid everywhere!!!! It wasn't my fault! Every fun childhood activity resulted in me barfing. It was weird.

20)band camp-This one time, at band camp........

21)Mr. Kantz's 3rd grade-That was the first year Sheryl and I got to be in the same class. And the first time I ever had to stay after school. I finally stood up for myself and pushed that little turd Kevin Laux after being picked on by him for years. Problem was, Mr. Kantz didn't see what happened to cause me to push him, and I got in trouble. I cried the whole way home, fearing what my mother was going to do to me. Thankfully, she also thought Kevin was a turd and applauded me.

23)picker bushes-I hate picker bushes a.k.a. rose bushes. They were all over my yard and one day my dad was holding my hands and twirling me around....and twirled me right into the bushes. It's too terrible to remember.

26)kleenex-I did use more kleenex than the average person, but then I met Matt. Nothing compares to him. The human foghorn. We buy kleenex by the case from Costco now.

28)flip beloved footwear of choice. These are not from my childhood because my mother despised them. But I have made up for not having them until adulthood. I'm currently on my 7th pair of the season.

31)endless giggle-That just happened this morning. For no reason I just started laughing until I had tears streaming down my face. Emily thought I was crying. Sometimes, I'm the weirdest person I know.

32)Best-Friends-Pretty soon she's coming to Michigan and I get to see her. The first time in two years. Way to long.


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