Virtually Sisters
Jill & Sheryl have been friends since toddlerhood. They grew up literally in each other's backyards, grew apart because life does that, but later when they both needed it, they found what they'd been missing... all with 2300 miles between the suburbs of Detroit and those of Seattle. We both love the hilarity and impossibleness of our familes, friends, jobs and what just being human brings us.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
They Hear What They Want
Noah: "I want to go to southern Alaska." SOUTHERN ALASKA? Where is that coming from? I didn't know Noah knew the words southern or Alaska. I truly never know what is going to come out of his mouth.
Joshua: "Noah, there is too much snow in Alaska. Pick some other place."
Noah: "Where did you go mom?"
Me: "Michigan State Univeristy."
Noah: "Oh ok. I'll go to University of Michigan like you and daddy." HOW could he have just heard that? How?? There was no TV on, no flying saucers going through the room- there was NOTHING to distract this kid and yet he transposed the very critical order of words.
Joshua: He said nothing because he was rolling around on the floor laughing at Noah's unintended verbal slur and the clear look of ARE YOU KIDDING ME on my face. Joshua has been threatening attendance at U of M for years at this point. And even bought a Go Blue t-shirt the last time we were in Michigan- with his own money.
I have professional baby pictures of both boys sporting MSU onesies. I think they are holding it against me or something.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Years 1966
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Getting Out the Door
Joshua: "I can't find socks!"
Me: "Get some out of my drawer!"
Ok. Admittedly it's totally ridiculous to send my son to my sock drawer to borrow some, but somehow Joshua's socks are frequently missing. Well. The truth is that he changes his socks often throughout the day- whenever they get dirty or wet or when he just takes them off because he felt like it. He won't put the same pair back on. And I have yet to purchase the right volume to accommodate socks that need to be in the drawer and socks that are in the laundry and socks that are missing.
Back to trying to get out the door:
Five years go by (maybe 35 seconds... but any mother knows what it feels like when you are TRYING TO GET OUT THE DOOR and you have a lagger).
Joshua: "I can't get the sock on!"
Me: "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Get down here and I'll help my super genius 7 1/2 year old figure out how to get a sock on. For pete's sake Joshua this screwing around is not helping us get out the door!"
Joshua sits down in front of me. Puts his foot up. I try to put the sock on. It doesn't go on. What. The. Hell. My 7 1/2 year old just out grew my socks. Me. My socks. A full grown adult's socks. He can't wear my socks. I don't have a back up plan for my failure to do the load of whites anymore. And worse... he's 7 and a HALF. And he can't fit into my 33-year-old grown up sized socks.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I Wish I Knew How to Curse in Polish
My parents and my brothers and I would suck it up through the 4pm mass on Christmas Eve but really between the crowd, dying of hunger and literally insane with anxiety, that 4pm mass was the looooongest service on the planet. By the time we got out of church it was dark and things were definitely starting to feel in motion for Christmas.
We would then drive home and enjoy an extensive meal of ham and all the the trimmings and politely help my mother put the dishes away before retiring for the night. Yeah right... NO! Forget that crap. We would all pile in the car, shivering because it took the thing 9 years to warm up in the -9 degrees of heat Michigan sports in late December. We would also be without the ability to shut up or stop moving or in general stop bothering each other in the way only siblings can on Christmas Eve.
We would all actually have dinner at Como's Pizza which definitely wasn't empty for being Christmas Eve. That was also the only time all year that we ate at Como's but it was some darn good pizza! And we got to have pop. Except my little brother Mike who would order chocolate milk. And one of us would generally spill. Because that's the way we roll.
We would then start the drive from Ferndale to Royal Oak where my grandparents lived... a whole 15 minutes... trying not to cause my dad to pull the car over to drop one of us in the dirt pile of snow that seems to cover every street corner on Woodward from November until March. Luckily my dad was actually the worst instigator of the craziness because he was more kid at Christmas than grown up.
My dad would take us through neighborhoods to see the decorations and lights. Which was too bad for the sucker kid sitting in the middle seat of the station wagon! (HA HA MIKE!) I loved the houses on Vinsetta- so beautiful. When we'd finally get around to Hawkins there was usually another car or two in the driveway belonging to my Aunt Kate (grandmothers sister) or my Uncle Tim (dad's brother).
My brothers and I were assuredly still hopping from the pop from dinner and then LOW AND FREAKING BEHOLD, the kitchen table was covered with cookies and candy. There had to be dozens of these little tiny cookies and homemade candies, chocolates and fudge. My personal favorite were these small powdered sugar snowball looking things. My grandmother made a good majority of them herself and the rest were from the church cookie exchange. I don't get too far in to remembering Christmas without remembering those cookies! AND, the best deal of the night was getting shooed to go play in the basement or sent off on a beer run from the basement refrigerator because it gave you the chance to snitch more cookies on the way!
Everybody would eventually go out and sit in the living room and us three kids would have to sit there and try to be normal so that sometime before Easter we could open our presents. Our stocking was usually full of gumball machine quality toys that we would break on first use. Or the adults would break them showing us how they work. And when we'd get to the actual presents. Without fail, we got stuff like dress shirts. Dress shoes. Bathrobes. All the kind of crap you'd least want. But that you needed.
With my parents, two brothers and myself, plus my grandparents, my grandmothers sister, my uncle, a cousin or two and usually even my great uncle (my grandfathers brother who didn't drive so his car was never in the driveway!), all the family I really knew would be in that living room. They'd be telling stories, remembering their childhood with exaggerated angst. Remarking about who got shafted the most. Cursing in muddled Polish. My dad would hand out the gifts. My grandma would try to save the bows, my uncle would put them in the trash. My grandpa liked to be cute and write silly Polish names on the gift tags to confuse things or endearing cheesy names for his dear Helen. I can't remember any specifically but the joke never got old. It just got missed when it so abruptly stopped.
In December of 2000, I was having my first Christmas away from home. I stopped by my grandparents on the way to the airport. My grandmother was still sleeping (you don't wake her... no matter what). But grandpa was up and making himself breakfast and doing some daily puttering. I had a gift I was dropping off and he thanked me. He hugged me and said he loved me (not usual for this proud man). I left and had my first Christmas away, and missed the cookies, missed the cheesy gifts, missed the silly name calling and the Polish cursing.
About a week after Christmas my grandfather was admitted to the ICU with a brain hemorrhage. He would briefly wake here and there but eventually he stopped waking. I returned from my trip early but only could stand there to see him unconscious and not the grandpa who would smack his hands together as he laughed or the one that would swear in mumbled Polish and English at the stupidity of life's ways. Most of his family was around him as he took his last breath and died on January 6th, 2001.
Christmas gets different when you're not a child and when you grow up and when people move on or when you finally settle for the fake tree one year for whatever reasons. I still think of all of those childhood Christmases and hope that by writing it down I won't forget the details. It also makes me wonder what details my boys will remember when they grow up. I spend a lot of time thinking of their gifts, but I would be more than happy if when they grew up they never remembered a single present and instead remembered what they did, who they were with and what they would miss if it wasn't there.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
- Joshua and I both started referring to the upstairs hallway bathroom as "Noah's" bathroom. Why would a 4-year-old have his own bathroom??? I grew up sharing ONE with five people. Because he sleeps and pees. And misses. Joshua will walk all the way downstairs or use the master bath rather than risk wet socks.
- I woke up to a tiny finger poking the middle of my back while I slept away the 6am hour this morning. It was Noah. He had peed. And missed. Because he was in a hurry he says. He told me he was awake this time, just missed the potty. Great. He also mentioned "Joshua will be mad. He just washed my potty yesterday!" (Yes Joshua washes toilets at the age of 7. Nothing like a kid with a mild to moderate case of OCD to serve as an EXCELLENT toilet cleaner).
- Noah: "Did Santa and God see my tinkle accident? I don't want any of my presents to be fed to the orca whales." OH it STUCK! I told him three days ago if he didn't get his act together that Santa would pitch his presents into the Puget Sound and the whales would eat them.
We are suppose to go see Santa today. Five bucks says Noah confesses his tinkle sins in an effort to save his Christmas loot.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
One Liners
Jill forced me in to using Twitter and has been generating enough one liners that she could start a t-shirt company to support the replacement of her appliances:
-so far today i've been projectile vomited on,lost the teacher xmas gift&had a chunk of hair ripped out by my psycho baby.Good times!
-here's a tidbit of helpful info. Smoking while pumping gas is not the best idea. I guess the idiot next to me is unaware.
-visiting the bachelorette section at the party paper place was just what i needed to cheer myself up!
-Costco is full of jackassery toinght.
-Leggings are not pants. I don't care how rockin your a** is, cover that shit up.
-Asked Alex to go get the Santa decoration out of the garage . 10 minutes later he comes back & says "I dont see a Llama decoration". Wtf?
I miss the comic relief that Jill exudes, even if its at her expense and my benefit!